Friday 1 September 2017

New Beginnings | Life Update

Hello my lovelies, 
The start of September seemed like the perfect time to come back to my little space, here on the internet, and give you all a bit of a life update. I have been away for a long while, so if you're reading this now, thanks for sticking with me, it's about to get a whole lot better. Where to begin, I gave birth over a year ago to the most precious little girl and have been in awe of her ever since. My daughter is almost 18 months soon, which seems so surreal to even write. On most days I have to pinch myself that I am a mummy, that gave birth to a perfect little mini me. She has been the highlight of my year and my entire life. She came around at the perfect time to give my life some well needed purpose and direction and to teach me new things in life that I wouldn't have even considered. Earlier on in the year I celebrated my 25th Birthday which was beautiful. Totally different this time round, celebrating as a mummy, but so amazing to have her celebrate my day with me. The month after, it was my daughters 1st Birthday and another emotion filled day of me trying to hold back those happy tears. One month later, we were off on our first family holiday to Jamaica. It was quite literally, 'The Best Holiday of my life'. Two weeks of breathtaking views and luxury. We went all inclusive, so had nothing to think about apart from relaxing and enjoying every moment, which is what I totally did!

Fast forward to September, the start of a new month, Autumn/Winter just around the corner and I feel totally refreshed, rejuvenated and renewed to be back. I am writing this very post on my *New* MacBook Pro, that is only two days old. I just feel so elated with it, it's so beautiful. The sleek design and look, is exactly what I have always envisioned and more and there really is no excuse for me now, not to be consistently blogging. As well as fashion and beauty posts, lifestyle posts will feature predominantly on my blog. As I am now a mother - Motherhood advice/related posts - my next post will be about my Birth story so keep posted for that. I will also feature relationship advice as that's a topic I love discussing and have done for years. I will also set up an email account specifically for relationship advice if you want me to. I'm all ears if you're having any problems, you can email me on there anonymously and I will be sure to advise you there. Leave me a comment below if this is something you'll be interested in, or if commenting below is fine?

As mentioned above, my daughter being born and in my life gave me a wake up call and ultimately realigned what exactly I wanted out of life. I wanted a challenge and although I am very grateful for the managerial position I held, it just was not enough for me to stay or want to go back after my maternity leave. I loved my daughter and spending time with her so so much. However, instead of going into another job, I decided to pick back up where I left off and study for a Masters. It was a complete different change in career what I am currently studying but I love it! I was ready for the challenge and I wanted to continue learning and growing. I am that kind of woman that needs to be fulfilled and challenged continuously, as well as having my mind stimulated. It had been four years since I graduated (making me feel so old) and I needed to make a change. It's easy to stay in a job that pays for your amazing apartment/house, bills, food, travel etc and allows you to live comfortably, but it was too comfortable. I needed a challenge, I needed more. I required something to push me. My daughter was/is my biggest motivation. I was no longer able to get by being selfish, thinking it's fine to be comfortable because I'm young and have plenty of time. I became selfless. I had my daughters future to think about now and there was a new found urgency to change.

That's where my Masters came in. Studying for a Masters with a baby isn't easy, thinking about it alone isn't, but it challenges me and that's what I love. Alaia was about 9 months old, still breastfeeding when I decided to start my Masters, but I didn't allow that to stop me! It was the challenge I had needed so I had to make it work. I possess a 'can do it' attitude in life, especially towards learning and that is exactly what I had to do. I thoroughly enjoy the course and I'm so glad I had a break from University and am able to come back with a fresh mindset. I believe that anything you want, starts and ends with you. If you don't ask for that promotion at work, because you're too scared of the answer, it's down to you. If you want to go out with friends but decide against it at the last minute, it's you. Everything in your life is subject to you and your view on it. If you truly want something in life, YOU will go for it, if you are too fearful or aren't ready, it's because you are stopping yourself. Too often we live in fear, instead of propelling ourselves and just going for it. Always remember, you have nothing to lose and when you realise that, you'll soon find that fear slowly disintegrates back to where it came from.

I said bye bye to my old Instagram and made a new one that is more geared towards my brand - Shenae Desiree. It is a lot more fashion focused and will stay that way so you can have a feel for my style. I do a lot of shopping and want to display it more in a way to give inspiration and ideas for different ways of wearing key seasonal pieces of clothing. It was a small change but something I am so glad I did, to finally took the plunge. It has already proven so effective and is a lot more engaging with my fashionistas out there! You can find me at: or click the tab at the top of my homepage to access it from there.

This month, I will also be launching my Youtube channel, so please stay tuned for that. It's so exciting and something I've wanted to do for a few years now (ridiculous, I know). However, no I feel ready, and can commit to giving it my all, so do join me on my journey. Subscribe to my channel below as I will be posting my first video on there, very soon! I am so excited! Subscribe here.

Let me know what you are doing this September, are you starting University for the first time, a new job, leaving a job, moving house? Drop me a comment below. Hello September, it most certainly is lovely to be having you!

Lots of Love, 

Shenae x


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